Fiverr tutorial

11/03/2014 21:57

Here is how to fetch and produce fiverr tutorial concepts

Getting started on fiverr has never been easy to most internet users. Many have made their attempt but only ended up in dashed hopes having sold nothing out of their hundreds of gigs published for sale. You are not special either since what you may intend to practice on fiverr is what has already been tried out by other failures. Having noted that starting on fiverr is a problem, you can make money quite easily if you only teach people how to get started. This simply means producing fiverr tutorial material for a newbie as well as for an old guru who might have overlooked little concepts and hence gone wrong at some point. Below is a guide on how and where to derive your content when composing fiverr tutorial content:

Set up questionnaire blogs

Questionnaire blogs are those kinds of blogs that trigger discussions on a given subject but from different points of view. In this case you only need to set up a simple blog with theme message being how to start on fiverr. This way you will get people discussing issues they encountered during their first day on the site as well as long after they got used to it. This same information can be relayed to a newbie but this time in simplified and easy to understand form.  Whatever issues that pops up on that questionnaire blog will be explained in detail in the fiverr tutorial content that will be generated thereafter.

Follow along discussion forums.

The main difference between questionnaire blogs and discussion forums is their basis of foundation. A discussion forum is already set up and you only can join it as any other participant and the administrator reserves the rights as far as viewers’ freedom on their site is concerned. There are just over hundreds of discussion threads across the internet that discusses various concepts about fiverr. If only you can read through some of these threads you will realize the real issue that needs to be addressed to a newbie, and hence you will be in position to write an eBook that serves as a fiverr tutorial guide.

Conduct online polls across the entire internet.

There are different ways to trigger and then collect people’s opinion across the internet and just to mention a few, you can count on social media, personal websites and blogs, interactive application platforms such as wufoo and poll daddy all which enable you collect views and opinions from various internet users concerning your subject matter. By collecting people’s opinions on each of their experience with fiverr, you surely can find the right approach to solving the apparent issues.

Once you have all information on why people find it hard to start on fiverr as well as what makes the best succeed on fiverr, you surely can produce sellable content. Your content can be packaged in formats of an ebook, an article or even as a voice-over if not a video tutorial. The final product can be posted on fiverr for the right audience to read.